
Monday, December 20, 2010

Someone Has a Case of the Mondays

Wow, Monday morning already! Two more days and my parents arrive from NY. I feel like my to-do list is growing rather than shrinking and I need to get my act together quickly.

Luckily for me, my parents aren't the type of house guest that you have to clean your house like you have never cleaned before. I do plan to pick up and do the customary laundry and toilet cleaning but there will be no polishing of the non-existent silver or dusting of any kind.

Even with cleaning not high on the priority list, this week is still full of to-do's which normally would be fun and filled with memory making opportunities but feel more like an endurance race at the moment. There is something about the holidays that can take a magical moment like decorating cookies with your kids and turn it into a chore. Am I a horrible person for writing that?

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