
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stegosaurus Dinosaur Hat

Introducing (drum roll please) the first crochet pattern I designed - The Stegosaurus Dinosaur Hat!
Since this is my first pattern, please let me know if you see any mistakes or have any questions. My Little Man loves his new hat, at least that is what I think all that roaring is about.

Click here to download the pattern.  You can also find it on Ravelry.

Creative Commons License
Stegosaurus Dinosaur Hat by Sarah Boccolucci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Love this free pattern? Consider donating via PayPal to keep 'em coming.


  1. I'm so proud of you!! Your first pattern is a winner. Love the colors, love the design. LOVE!!

  2. I made the hat and posted it on my blog...and thanked you of course! Thank you!

  3. The Link to the pattern doesn't seem to be working - is this pattern still available?

  4. I have a question about this pattern. The pattern says in the last two round to slip stitch.

    Does this really mean that the last two rounds I do on the hat I slip stitch every stitch?
    I know this may seem like a silly question, but I am still really new to crochet and I'm not so great at following patterns.
    I really just want to get this right for my nephew.
    I appreciate your input!
    (so far, I am loving this pattern!)

  5. @britta
    Yes, you slip every stitch. This makes a tighter border but be careful because it is easy to make it too tight!

  6. I can't seem to open the link. Is this pattern still available?

  7. How can I easily adjust this pattern for a larger perimeter? my son is 5 and has a VERY big head!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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