
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wreaths, Wreaths, Wreaths

Last night I hosted Cocktails and Crafts - Wreath Addition and it was a blast. Unlike previous Cocktails and Crafts, we crafted at night when the children should be asleep. I liked the change but the kids didn't get the memo that it was bed time until everyone had left.

The drink was a homemade hot chocolate, with or without amaretto. 
  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 cups milk
  • whipped cream
  • one shot of amaretto
Mix the cocoa powder and sugar and then slowly add the milk and stir until smooth. Heat to desired temperature, being careful not to let it boil. Add a shot of amaretto and top with whip cream. Yum!

Crafters brought whatever kind of wreath they wanted to make. We had a yarn, a grapevine and an evergreen wreath. I attempted the yarn wreath and before everyone got there I thought it would be a good idea to wrap my wreath prior to my guests arrival. I am glad I did, it too me over an hour to cover that sucker.

Everyone brought whatever they wanted to embellish their wreath and we heated up the glue guns. It was a pretty quick craft and some of us are a bit more skilled in the art of wreath making than others but for a first attempt I love mine.
Beautiful Grapevine Wreath
Evergreen wreath made of garland.

My husband said it looks like a hemorrhoid pillow but that is not going to deter me from hanging it up on the front door all season long. I love my glitter explosion hemorrhoid pillow wreath.

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