
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Cookie Date

While Baby Girl was taking a nap today I thought it would be a good time to bake some cookies with my son. Anyone that knows me well knows that I am covered in baking wounds that all revolve around hot pans and apparently this is a genetic trait I am passing on to my son. I don't mean to make light of any injury but since he is doing fine and barely shed a tear I thought I would recap the events for you.
Testing the sugar - yup it is good!

The more serious side of cooking making

Patiently waiting

First cookie picked out of the batch

cookie bliss
So this is where it gets a little sad. After the last pan was pulled out of the oven he ran over to the counter, jumped on his chair and proceeded to put his chin on the hot pan! Have no fear, two cookies later and we were all better.
Baking injury


  1. What a cutie! When my sister was little (long, long ago), she peeked over the rim of a boiling pan and burned the skin over her lip. We always called it her "cookie duster."

    Hope little man heals up fine! pf

  2. Gosh I love that kid!
