
Sunday, January 2, 2011


Like most people I know I have given up on self-improvement resolutions. This year I am opting to make a resolution that I will enjoy and am pretty sure I can live with for a whole year.

2011 will be the year of:

This should be pretty easy for me since I have my camera out almost everyday already (talk about setting the bar low!) I want to be that person that can keep a detailed journal but I am not. Hopefully, this will be a nice substitute for me. I plan to make a short video for each month and post it here.

Some other resolutions that I considered and then set aside were:
1. Finish writing my book
2. Keep the house organized
3. Knit a sweater for myself
4. Exercise (ha!)

I still hope to do all of those but I don't want them to feel like obligations. What resolutions have you made or not made for yourself?

1 comment:

  1. My resolutions include:
    Staying more positive.
    Writing on the calendar and getting out and doing one cultural event each month.
    I'm also trying to drop 10-15 pounds, but that is not a resolution as much as a necessity!
