
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gocco Discovery

Sorry for the lack of posts. I am a doula and photographer and have been either waiting for a birth, attending a birth or editing some beautiful birth pictures. I would love to share the photos but that is a big ole no-no until mom and dad give me the go ahead.

But I am back, with a new obsession. I was cruising around Pintrest (my newest addiction) and found something called Gocco. Picture this little toy looking machine that allows you to make your own screen prints easily! I have wanted to get into screen printing but just haven't had the time to make or buy a screen. I want this.

If you want to see how easy the process is check out the web site

The problem I am having is actually finding a machine for sale. A Google shopping search shows that they run anywhere from $150 to over $700. That makes me nervous. Definitely have to do some more research on how to buy one.

The process looks easy enough. Draw your image using a carbon pencil, burn it onto screen using the poison lighbulb and then add ink and press. If anyone has used one of these machines or knows a reputable place to buy one I would love to hear from you!


  1. YEARS ago a friend of mine bought one of these and had big plans. i don't think it ever made it out of the box. i don't talk to that friend anymore... and i often think about his Gocco sitting in a closet somewhere. and i kick myself for not having bought one when they were still available for a normal price.

    i have seen what it can produce in person and its makes even the simplest designs look really neat.

  2. @Cat.
    Makes me sad to think of that awesome machine sitting in a closet somewhere!!

  3. i know Sarah! and many times i have thought about contacting that guy and asking if he'd sell it for what he paid, which i think was less than $100. but then he might catch on to my want and try to inflate the price!!! tee hee.
