
Thursday, August 18, 2011

The best laid plans.

Note to self: NEVER, never, never travel at a time when your children should be in bed for the night!

This has been one of the worst travel experiences of my life, heightened by having two small children along for the ride.

We we were supposed to leave NY at 6:30 pm last night, have a one hour lay-over in Atlanta and then be in Denver by 11:00. Not ideal, but doable.

Our plane was delayed and hour and a half but with so many passengers trying to make the same connection they told us they would hold the plane. They were big fat liars!

Dammit, I would have just stayed in NY an extra day if I knew I would have to drag two very tired and sad kids around Atlanta at 10:00 at night. The worst part, the first flight they can get us on is 9:30 pm the next day.

I love my husband because when I called him in tears he gave me some tough love and told me to make do and get a hotel - no pity parties on that end of the phone. By the time I got to the hotel my son was crying because daddy wasn't here and I just wanted a stiff drink and a soft bed.

We got checked in, stripped down to our undies because we have nothing with us (sorry going out to whoever has to sit with us on the plane tonight), and got in bed.

We called and said good night to daddy and he was much sweeter telling me to buy whatever was necessary to survive the next 24 hours. Having no car or car seats leaves me at a bit of a loss on how to do that.

Plan B is to visit with my husbands family that lives here, but that may be hard given that they had no notice...

Update: they just called and are going to come get us! Yay!!!!!

So now we wait until they get here. Should be easy for these two very tired kids.

Wish I didn't check my knitting! Maybe I will get to see Project Runway tonight.

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