
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Chairs

So they aren't exactly "new" but they are reupholstered and monogrammed by yours truly. Here is a before and after shot.
We received our table and chairs as an engagement gift from my in-laws and at the time white padded chairs seemed so grown up and practical. Once my son came along with his sticky fingers, dirty feet and generally sloppy eating habits I knew that something was eventually going to change. Fast forward three and a half years when we are now high-chair and booster seat free and it was high time to recover these bad boys.

 I found some very inexpensive dark denim at a wholesale home decor fabric place in Northern Colorado. I think it was about $8/yard, which for home decor fabric is practical free! It was really easy to get the staples out of the chair once I had the correct tool (offset pliers). I then measured the grimy fabric and cut the denim to fit (25 inches x 25 inches). I probably could have gone even smaller (21 inches x 21 inches) because the denim stretches a lot but it doesn't really matter unless you happen to be at my house and decide to look under my chairs and see all the access fabric.

Once they were all covered I printed out the first initial of our names in Cochin font and traced them on freezer paper. Ironing them on was a little hard since there is a slight curve in the chair but it worked. I know some of you might be thinking, "Gee - I have a Silhouette machine that does that, only better!" To which I would reply, "Suck it!" (unless of course you are Silhouette representative or a craft benefactor that would like to gift me a free machine!) 

Since my edges weren't as crisp as I wanted I took a black Sharpie marker and outlined each letter. Set the fabric paint with your iron and you are done. Oh, I did one more step - I broke down and bought theses bad boys to save me from having to do this process in the near future.


  1. Impressive! I thought that you might do a "b" for your last name but I really like the personal letter on each chair.

  2. Love love love these. Am I going to have to fight Max for the "m" chair?

  3. P.S. I totally am looking under your chairs ;o)
