
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crock Pot Italian Beef

Looking for a quick and amazing meal to serve at your next family reunion or birthday party. MAKE THIS. It is soooo good, I can't even begin to tell you how good it is. My friend Jayna gave me the recipe. Here is her email that she sent me while I was in NY on how to make it - word for word.

Cracks me up every time I read it.

**Please note that If I'm serving this for lunch, I start this about 8pm the night before).

-big piece of beef (rump roast or whatever)
-2 packets of dry Italian seasoning (the kind you use to make your own Italian dressing.
-1 jar of pepperoncini's.  You can use whole or cut.  If you use whole, you need to slice them yourself
-random dry Italian seasonings found in your cupboard (parsley, basil, etc)
-Salt and pepper

-sliced provolone


You'll need a crock pot.  Put the giant beef in the crock pot and fill with water leaving about 2 inches without water. It's okay if the water doesn't completely cover the beef.  It's important to note that I cook this with the fat on the beef.  Sarah, I can only imagine how grossed out you're going to be, but don't worry, you'll take off the fat later.  Turn crockpot on high.  Dump in peppers, juice, seeds and all. If you're slicing your own peppers, the juice inside the peppers is especially tasty.  You need to slice off the tops and discard.  Empty packets of Italian seasonings into water.  Put in some salt and pepper.  Look through your cabinet to see what other Italian seasonings you have.  NOT a bay leaf.  Not that its Italian, but you don't want that sh!t in there anyway. I suggest parsley, basil...things you would put on your pizza.

Bring up to temperature (you know...hella hot). Lid on.  Turn down to whatever temp is good on your crock pot for an overnight cooking.  When you wake up the next day, turn the beef over.  Cook for remaining time on medium or so with lid on.  About 2 hours prior to serving, you can pull the fat off the beef.  Do this before pulling apart the meat.  It should come off pretty easily in one or two pieces. I know, gross.  At this point you can take 2 forks and pull the beef apart in big chunks.  Right before serving, shred even more, right in the crock pot. In Chicago it's customary to dip the bun right into the juice, but're out East and I'm sure they're not cool with that.

Serve and enjoy!!
When I made it I didn't have to flip the meat and I missed the whole part about turning the temperature down and it still turned out great. 
Here is a printable version without Jayna's commentary. Now go and make this and your family will be very happy.


  1. Oh thank God for this! I'm tired of hearing Nick ask for it. Patience isn't exactly his strong suit. Hooray!!!

  2. I can't believe you posted this super-secret recipe without my permission. Your readers are effing lucky. That's all I have to say about that.
