
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Letter To My Son On His Fourth Birthday

Dear M,
Happy fourth birthday little man! Sorry your birthday is so close to Christmas, but it really wasn't my fault that you were ready to be born at 37 weeks. Did you know there was a big snow storm the morning you were born?

We are so lucky to have such a sweet and kind son. You take such good care of your sister and are always watching out for her. She is lucky to have such a great brother!

You love learning and can already read some books by yourself. You really want to go to school and since we didn't do preschool this year you have been busy working on school work from home. Your favorite thing to do is mazes and painting.

You have your own way of expressing your ideas that always make me smile. You have stories not dreams, you patiently wait for your pet crab to make his way back home and you are realistic about the lifespan of a pet chicken. You know Daddy can build anything and think the garage is his "house."

Here is a little more about you:
  • Your favorite color is green.
  • Your favorite food is spaghetti.
  • Your favorite book is any dinosaur book.
  • Your favorite show is Kipper the Dog.
  • You like orange trains, riding your bike and ice skating.
  • You drove your dirt bike for the first time by yourself on Thanksgiving.
  • Your favorite animal is the cheetah.
  • You often don't like doing something until we are done and then that is all you can talk about doing again - like camping.  
  • You have big feet and no behind.

Thank you for helping me become the person I am today. We can't imagine a world without you.

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