My son wanted to be an octopus for Halloween and I used Martha Stewart's (I love you Martha) free pattern. I emailed it to Staples and they blew it up for just a couple bucks. M picked out the fabric- vinyl on one side and sequins on the other, because sequins looked the most like suckers! I ended up lengthening the tentacles and I also added wire to make them have a little more shape.

I loved that he could wear anything he wanted under it. I wish I had more time; I would have made pants that looked like the sea floor. I also had visions of a bubble machine but there are only so many hours in the day!
We recently got a roku box and have been watching the same cartoons that my husband and I grew up on with our own kids. We both had the same reaction of all these childhood cartoon memories flooding back. So far they have watched He-man, Care bears, Mr. Rogers, and of course She-Ra Princess of Power.
My daughter had thrown out a new costume idea everyday including, but not limited to: Princess, Butterfly, Tinkerbell, Hello Kitty and finally resting on She-Ra. I am guessing it is because she has a crown, cape AND sword. Once she mentioned She-Ra I admit to being more enthusiastic because I knew that costume would be the easiest and I liked that she was a kick ass princess with a sword.
I appliqued the flower thing on the shirt and made a simple skirt using the pattern from Made. I use that pattern for all her skirts.
The cape is a simple rectangle that is gathered at the top and attached with sequins. Boots are old rain boots that we spray painted gold and the head dress is cardboard and sequins, held together with hot glue.
No sword (see bubble machine explanation above). I told her it was a magical invisible sword that only princesses could see and she seemed to accept that explanation. I was surprised by how many adults didn't know who she was.
My son is already talking about next year's costume, can't imagine where he gets that from!
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